Nominations Bylaws

ArticleElection of Directors and Officers

At a Board Meeting prior to November 1st of each year, the President Elect will, after determining if the candidates meet the criteria set forth, present his/her nominations for President-Elect Nominee, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-At-Arms and seven (7) Directors. Once the Board and Directors have approved the nominations, they shall be presented to the membership and they shall be voted on at a meeting held prior to November 28th of each year. At this time, the presiding officer shall ask for any additional nominations from the floor by members each of the Officers and Directors. If there is more than one candidate for each of the Board positions, the candidate receiving a majority of votes shall be declared as elected for the respective position. If there are more than seven (7) candidates for Director, the seven (7) candidates receiving a majority of the votes shall be declared elected as directors.

Revision DateFeb 24, 2014

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